Who created the motto, “No pain, no gain”.
Have we just normalized suffering, working to death, and punishing ourselves?
What if we did less without feeling bad?
What if we rested more without guilt?
What if we worked smarter not harder?
What if we remember that you can’t keep doing the same thing if you want a different result?
What if we didn’t undervalue ourselves, work for free, or hold back/sabotage our full potential?
What if we stop lying to ourselves and living in denial?
I believe in working hard for what you want, making things happen, and creating the life you choose. I don’t ever want or expect anything for free, but I also wonder if the “no pain no gain” concept and mindset has been capitalized on, and overly accepted by society. Maybe we should be encouraging Less Pain, More Gain.
Maybe this is contributing to more stress, suffering, burnout, and self-limiting beliefs, that hold us back from our true potential.
We might have collectively allowed mantras like “no pain no gain” to be part of normalizing the idea that life is difficult and more work and sacrifice is the answer. Maybe it’s just a programmed, conditioned, excuse/ belief that contributes to keeping the system working (against us) and keeping us weak, unhealthy, tired, depressed, distracted, and in cycles of self-destruction and self-sabotage.
Now we sacrifice nurturing ourselves and spend lifetimes pouring from half empty and rapidly depleting cups, chasing elusive dreams through a system that might not actually be (as some say) “broken”. Maybe the so called system is functioning exactly as it was designed. More pain, less gain, work harder, stay sicker, feel guilty, pay more taxes, be more broke, etc.
Maybe we need to stop feeding this dysfunctional machine.

I am no longer participating in the idea of associating pain or suffering in building anything. Success, business, family, health, relationships, community, goals and dreams… none of that needs to be painful.
I believe we can “gain” not with pain but if we move gently, gracefully, peacefully, collectively, and with conscious intentions and patience towards what we love, seek, desire, and energetically and intuitively align with.
What if we contribute our very best we have to offer to the greater good of others and ourselves, and leave a positive impact on everyone we interact with, starting with our relationship and belief in our own self. Creating a ripple effect through our contributions and connections in our shared existence with each other and the world around us.
We don’t need to kill ourselves and suffer for what we want. We don’t need to be divided or angry, or die of stubbornness holding onto outdated beliefs based on nothing real. Maybe we should remember to consciously keep our minds open and think about what we consider “normal” or “facts” and question if some of it is just stories and lies we have accepted as truth since we were born. About anything… family, business, physical/spiritual/mental health, politics, government, society, global economics, the world as we know it….
Our time here is short and we need to start individually and collectively standing in our power to speak and act from a peaceful, thoughtful perspective. We should not be scared into conforming, or talking about whatever the hard, confusing, so-called “controversial” topics of the day are.
We need to re-normalize critical thinking, questioning everything, and embrace having more love, compassion and empathy. If we could speak and listen peacefully and be open and objective to hear each other from an unbiased place; for the sake of healing, learning, growing, and understanding.
It’s okay to disagree and it’s also okay to change your belief or realize you were wrong, if you didn’t know then what you know now. As long as you are doing your best in any given moment, there is literally nothing else you can do. But when you know better, do better.
We get to wake up every day and choose how we show up in the world, and decide what we give or take.
Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can - on whatever level you can offer. We need to remember to work together and be on the same team to start living in an easier world. Embodying gain and fulfillment, supporting and encouraging ourselves and each other to grow, without the need to throw yourself out of balance or pit ourselves against each other. United we stand, divided we fall.
Healing ourselves is also healing for our children, the future generations and the world we will leave for them. We have a choice to either leave a beautiful legacy or participate (actively or passively) in leaving a destructive and divisive impact behind for them to inherit.
If you continue to believe that it’s going to be hard and you’re going to have to sacrifice and struggle, then it will be.
If you feel stuck or catch yourself slipping into a negative mindset, try to find a way, even for one moment or one day, to ground yourself and reset, connect into nature, or just breathe deep and try to be content and at peace, and shift your focus for a second.
There will always be pain, and there will always be joy. Both should be respected, felt and honoured. But let it all move through you freely, feel it all, the love, the exhilaration, the joy, and the suffering.
Remind yourself not to take ownership of your pain or hold onto suffering because you made a subconscious decision that it belongs to you now, or this is how your life is.
Allow yourself bleed willingly. Feel it all and then release it.
Negative emotions like anger, shame, stress, and resentment can and do manifest into physical illness in the body.
You gotta feel to heal.
Turn your pain into purpose, and choose what you do with it.
I am choosing peace, love, truth, hope, healing, inspiration and solutions.
Be nice to yourself.
You deserve the very best.
More gain, less pain.
There is no peak.
You are the mountain.
Right now is all we have.